
Shri. M. D. Shah Mahila College of Arts & Commerce

श्री एम. डी. शाह महिला महाविद्यालय कला आणि वाणिज्य

An Autonomous Institution

Recognised Under Section 2(f) & 12(B) of UGC ,
Affiliated to S. N. D. T. Women's University, Mumbai
Accredited 'A' Grade with CGPA- 3.04 (4th Cycle) by NAAC
IMC RBNQA - Performance Excellence Trophy

ISO 21001 : 2018 - Educational Organisation

ISO 50001 : 2018 - Energy Management System

ISO 14001 : 2015 - Environmental Management System

Womens' Development Cell


To enable each student to be empowered in all aspects

Our Mission

  • To generate, disseminate information, develop an approach and create awareness towards gender sensitisation, gender balance and overcoming gender discrimination.
  • To ensure a safe and harmonious atmosphere in the college premises, both for employees and students
  • To educate and mentor about aspects related to the welfare of students and enable overall development
  • To enable an understanding of laws related to women in the workplace and the outside world
  • To develop confidence through self awareness and self defence programmes


  • Events, workshops, talks by experts and alumni about various aspects related to the Cell
  • Create a mechanism for Redressal of Sexual harassment cases if any
  • Protection from sexual harassment of women studying or working in the premises
  • Gender Sensitization Workshops and Talks
  • Manage a display board with content by students from magazines, newspapers and internet sources
  • NGO and orphanage visits
  • Create and Regulate awareness of physical and mental health.

Following the guidelines on the prevention and deterrence of sexual harassment in the workplace laid down by the Supreme Court of India in its 13 August 1997 judgment on the Writ Petition (Criminal) Vishaka vs. State of Rajasthan, there has been a greater awareness in our country on this subject.

SNDT Women’s University has a policy for prevention of sexual harassment, at the University and at the colleges affiliated to the University. Accordingly, our college has also taken up the whole issue very seriously and has formed a Committee Against Sexual Harassment (WDC) where an affected person can report and which is empowered to investigate and take action on the complaints.

The Members of WDC in our college consists of representation from the Management, Administration, Students, Faculty as well as the Non-teaching staff. The following are the 08 members of WDC:

Sr. No. Name Designation
01 Dr. Tamasha Acharya, Chairperson Convener
02 Mrs. Sonia Rane-Member Teaching Staff Representative
03 Mrs Mansi Gule- Member Teaching Staff Representative
04 Dr. Varsha Patel, Member NGO Representative
05 Ms. Shaila Wankhede, Member Non-Teaching Staff Representative
06 Ms. Salma Khan, Member Student Representative
07 Ms. Geetha Iyer, Member Student Representative

What is Sexual Harassment?

Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other visual, verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when:

It is implicitly or explicitly suggested that submission to or rejection of the conduct will be a factor in academic or employment decisions or evaluations, or when the conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s academic or work performance or creating an intimidating or hostile academic work or living environment.

What to do if you feel you are being sexually harassed

Know your rights – Sexual harassment is illegal, both the law of the land and the University laws prohibit sexual harassment.

Speak up – If you can, tell the person to stop. State clearly and firmly that you want a particular behavior to cease.

Get information and support – If you feel you cannot speak up, ask your friends to help you and bring it to the notice of members of college (WDC) Committee against Sexual Harassment. Keep records that might be useful for pursuing the case.

What not to do

Do not blame your self. Sexual harassment is not something one brings on oneself. It is not a consequence of certain ways of dressing or acting. It is a violation of an individual’s right to work and live with dignity.

Do not ignore it. Ignoring sexual harassment does not make it go away. The harasser may misinterpret a lack of response as approval of the behavior.

Do not delay. Delay in action increases the probability that unwanted behavior will continue or escalate.

Do not hesitate to ask for help. Speak up.


  • The institution shows gender sensitivity in providing facilities such as safety and security as well as counseling services.
  • Safety and Security – The college has 24 x 7 male and female security guards and entry to college is strictly monitored by the guards. Entry to students is by I-Cards. Visitors enter with an Entry pass which has to be signed by the person who is approached.
  • Additionally CCTV surveillance system is active with cameras in strategic positions of the building and a display monitor in Principal’s cabin.
  • As part of the Enrichment course, a Self-defense training course is offered to students from 2013 onwards. Students are taught techniques to evade attacks from strangers and use handy ordinary everyday objects as weapons to save themselves. The emergency phone numbers of the closest police station is on display at the entrance notice board.
  • The college has a tie-up with the local police station for routine security of the students. It enables easy access to the police and allows a facility of patrolling and visits by police to the college.
  • Separate changing room for girls on each floor.
  • Counseling services - The college is sensitive to the emotional and psychological needs of students. Family, career and academic counseling services approved by government are offered free of cost to students in the premises. The department of Psychology also offers counseling services.
  • Common Room - There is a Common room available for students on the first floor of the gymkhana building.